Kook Koo's own, our philosophy

One of the best gifts my kook koo has given me is the gift of sharing. so it is through THESE PRODUCTS THAT I share with you remedies that have assisted my people's wellbeing and physical health for thousands of years. the existence of these natural remedies has taken many generations of learning and sharing knowledge to unlock the medicinal properties of bush medicine, how to prepare them, when to harvest and how to ensure a reliable supply.


Culture & Knowledge

Sharing Our Story with the world

The artwork featured on all of our products is a collaborative work created by cultural custiodians from Queensland, northern territory, halls creek and Fitzroy Crossing, they gathered at the home of Kook Koo’s own in Udialla Springs - Derby WA. The painting represents different groups gathering bush food and medicine plants and the trading routes travelled to trade with each other.